Monday, September 6, 2010

Ashley Simpson-Actress Hot Wallpapers

    Ashley Simpson
    Wallpapers & Mini Biography

    Date of Birth - 3 October 1984, Waco, Texas, USA
    Birth Name - Ashley Nicolle Simpson
    Nickname -Ash
    Height -5' 6" (1.68 m)

    Ashlee Simpson's main appeal comes from her fresh-faced youth and natural exuberance. Refreshingly, she isn't as blatant with her personal life as her sister, Jessica, who made headlines by declaring her premarital virginity with much hoopla. But that doesn't mean Ashlee is timid about sex. One of the songs on Autobiography deals with sexual fantasies. "There's a lot of sarcasm in that song," Ashley explains. "It's something every girl thinks about, so I decided to make a joke about it."

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