Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Deepika Padukone HD Wallpapers

    Deepika Padukone Glamorous Wallpaper

    Deepika Padukone was still in college when she started modeling as a pastime, but it quickly became a lucrative career. Over time, she landed jobs with companies in India like Close-Up, Dabur Lal, Liril, and Limca before moving on to larger and more well-known companies. Among them were Maybelline, which hired Deepika Padukone as one of their global spokesmodels. Jewels of India also hired her to be their new brand ambassador. Check out Deepika's Glamorous Wallpapers...
    Read More & See All Wallpapers >>>Source URL: https://limapict.blogspot.com/2011/10/deepika-padukone-hd-wallpapers.html
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